Jun 05, 2012 03:20 PM EDT
National Gingerbread Day

The classic seasonal song, White Christmas, was written in July. Similarly, though gingerbread is thought of as a Christmas-time treat, Eatocracy says that National Gingerbread Day is today, June 5. It's even listed in an online holiday directory.

As one might guess, the holiday is celebrated by making and eating gingerbread. It is supposed to create "awareness of gingerbread to those who have not yet tired a version of gingerbread." This could be in the form of gingerbread pancakes for breakfast or a gingerbread latte later in the afternoon.

Here are a few facts about gingerbread that you might not know:
• The town of Market Drayton in Shropshire, UK is known as the "home of gingerbread" and this is proudly decreed on the welcome sign. • The first recorded mention of gingerbread being baked in Market Drayton dates back to 1793.
• Originally, the term gingerbread referred to preserved ginger, then to a confection made with honey and spices.
• Gingerbread is called "Spice Bread" in French
• Traditionally, some gingerbread cookies are dunked in port wine
• A type of gingerbread made from boiled dough has been used as a way to create clay-like, inedible statues
• According to e-How, "English village women used to eat gingerbread husbands at fairs to ensure that they would meet and marry their true loves."