May 27, 2015 02:26 AM EDT
Four Common Food That You Eat Incorrectly

Eating the right food is a daily objective everyone is enocuraged to apply. Reports and campaigns on eating the right way is an advocacy that almost all health enthusiasts adhere to. The reason behind, is that healthy eating promotes a general well-being and is said to actually prevent bodily ailments.

Most known healthy food groups, are readily available in the market. The key is how to prepare them the right way so the benefits can actually be enjoyed and the nutritional value absorbed by the body.

Preparing and eating fruits and vegetables the wrong way can hamper all the nutrients it contains.

According to research,the following food are commonly prepared incorrectly. 

Broccoli. This vegetable is loaded with essential nutrients. Vitamin C, chlorophyll, antioxidants, and anti- carcinogenic compounds. In order to retain the healthy nutrients of broccoli, steaming is the best cooking method. Other methods like boiling and stir-frying can damage its nutrients.

Yogurt. Pouring the watery substance that seen on top of the yogurt is actually wasting the nutrients. The substance usually poured away is called whey. It has B12, protein and minerals. The best way to eat yogurt is just give it a quick stir to retain the healthy substances.

Grilled meat. "To sizzle or not to sizzle?". In a CNN interview, Tanya Zuckerbrot, RD, registered dietitian practicing in New York said, "Grilling meat at high temperatures over an open flame may increase cancer risk". Zuckerbrot points to the National Cancer Institute's finding that the two potentially cancer-causing chemicals-heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), are formed when meats are cooked using high-temperature methods like chargrilling. Zuckerbrot added, "Don't rely on the color of the cooked meat to gauge food safety". "Use a food thermometer that shows that meats are cooked to a safe minimum internal temperature as recommended by the USDA."

Black tea. Avoid drinking this type of tea to allow the body to fully absorb the healthy substances it has.