Jun 02, 2015 08:56 AM EDT
KFC China Food Scandal: Fried Chicken Chain SUES Defamers Saying KFC GMOs Have 6 Wings, 8 Legs

Following a major food safety scandal last year with one of their biggest providers in the region, KFC China is now standing up against those who defamed them last year, suing over spreading a series of rumors that were not only untrue but deeply damaging to the company's image.

In the past few months, other major food safety scandals beyond the KFC China one have included a Purina lawsuit claiming their food was killing dogs, plus a hoax that went viral throughout the Internet where supposedly a police raid found severed human heads in a restaurant in Nigeria.

Fast food chains are often surrounded by safety scandals these days, and the biggest offender seems to be McDonald's, particularly in the Asian region, between a similar supplier issue last year (both major fast food chains used the same provider, Shanghai Husi) and even the finding of a human finger in a meal; in any case, KFC China is definitely prepared to stand up against their accusers.

According to CFO, the KFC China franchise is now suing three different companies in the country, claiming the first rumors about their food were spread through WeChat accounts of three major companies: by Ying Chen An Zhi Chenggong Culture Communications, Wei Lu Kuang Technology and Ling Dian Technology.

CS Monitor reports that the KFC China rumors included that the chickens used by the chain are genetically modified to look absolutely monstrous, with six wings and eight legs - and due to these terrible claims, as outlandish as they may sound, the chain is asking for $1.5million yuan (which is $242 thousand) as well as an apology from each of the three companies.

According to Live Mint, KFC China is recovering from a series of problems, from the aforementioned supply issue in China to even problems with avian flu and an exposé about excessive antibiotic use in their chickens.