Jul 15, 2015 08:18 AM EDT
Lose Weight On These Fatty Food

The conventional advice that if a person wants to lose weight, he needs to eat less fat may be wrong. Now if a person really wants to get in shape, one must let go of  the "low fat" food and eat these fatty food instead.

A person eating a lot of healthy fats is actually much better than a person eating high amounts of almost any other type of food .One of the best ways to get more fat in a diet is to add grass-fed butter to a person's meal. Butter from grass-fed animals is a very good source of high in fat-soluble vitamins, antioxidants, healthy fats, and vitamins A, E, D, and K. 

Grass-fed animal fat is considered bulletproof-approved fats, which are high in nutrients, essential fatty acids, protein, minerals, antioxidants, and fat-soluble nutrients that are hard to get elsewhere. These bulletproof-approved fats can be added to stocks to create creamy, flavorful soups and stews.

An example of a plant source high in monounsaturated fat that is easy to make into a delicious and quick meal are avocados. Its nutrient content makes it far more similar to a vegetable. Avocados can be eaten raw  or it can be mashed up with a small amount of MCT oil and salt,or put them on top of pastured fried eggs. Avocados are one of the most versatile Bulletproof food a person can eat.

The canola, corn, cottonseed, peanut, safflower, soybean, and sunflower oils are all polyunsaturated ,easily oxidized, inflammatory fats. While coconut oil has more saturated fat than almost any other food, making it a good choice for cooking because it's so stable, and stable fats are saturated. A good way to boost brain function, increase ketone formation, and assist in fat loss, is add this to coffee in the morning.

The most numberof nutrients in pastured eggs are in the yolks. It is extremely high in micronutrients which makes egg-white omelets NOT bulletproof-approved fats. Pastured egg yolks can help a person lose weight, it's deep-golden color is from the vitamin A and high amount of antioxidants.

Bulletproof diet is an anti-toxin diet which encourages a person to find out and avoid their food sensitivities.