Jul 23, 2015 08:10 AM EDT
Combat Cellulite With These Four Types Of Food

Women have always battled cellulite especially when summer is ringing around the corner. Sometimes, treatments and creams can only go so far. Thankfully, there are different types of food that people can eat to help minimize and even eliminate those "Cellulite Sallys."

Nutritionist and Be Well founder, Kelly LeVeque notes, "cellulite is caused by subcutaneous fat pushing against webbed connective tissue causing the look of dimples."

She continues, "To reduce the look of dimpled skin, it's important to stay hydrated, reduce sodium intake, and balance the mineral content in the cells."

Water is the healthiest solution to any body-related issue. Water is a natural cleanser - it eradicates toxins - which also eliminates excess sodium in the body.

As Kelly LeVeque said, it's important to stay hydrated, and water is the best solution to that problem. Not only will it minimize the look of cellulite, but it also makes the skin smooth and plump, which helps in hiding those dimples.

Fruits and vegetables are inevitably the best source of nutrition. These natural resources give extra fluid to the body since they are full of water, enzymes and potassium.

Increase intake on leafy greens, cucumbers, spinach, and Swiss chard. As per LeVeque's suggestions, add some potassium-rich fruits like bananas, apricots, peaches and avocados into the diet as well.

"A great tip is to make a lemon and cucumber spa water, and drink it 24 hours before you need to be in your bikini," says Kelly LeVeque.

Not all fat is bad. Healthy fat can be found in olive oil, seeds, nuts, and avocados. Although it may seem odd, but healthy fat can actually help in weight loss, which means it also combats cellulite formation.

Lean protein helps the body feel full in a longer period of time, which lessens food (and caloric) intake on a normal basis. Lean protein can be found in fish, nuts, and lean meat.

Kelly LeVeque also cites that wild fish provides the best protein in fighting cellulite because its rich in various minerals, while balancing cells and providing anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids.

Kelly even gives a great hack for this: "If you are looking for the biggest bang for your buck, anchovies, yellowfin tuna, cod and salmon are the highest in potassium, with 12 to 15 percent of your daily value per serving."

However, just because a person consumes these kinds of food doesn't mean it will automatically fend off cellulite. It's also important to stay away from unhealthy food (junk food, fast food, fried food, and high-sodium food included).

Avoid food that is rich in caffeine, sugar and estrogen (like soy) as well. LeVeque claims that cellulite has been connected with both genetics and hormones.