Jul 27, 2015 10:00 PM EDT
Google And Microsoft: Difference With Employees’ Food; How Do Meals Translate To Productivity?

Google and Microsoft - the difference? Food.

It is common knowledge that Google offers their employees' free food while Microsoft doesn't. Because of this, many have questioned why Microsoft simply does not do the same for their employees.

One such question appeared on the popular question-and-answer website Quora. A Quora user asked: "Why does Microsoft not have free food like Google and Facebook?" 

Luckily for the Quora user, his question was answered in detail by Amin Ariana, who legitimized his response by saying that he had worked for both companies. Ariana said he was able to work in both companies, and stated his reasons why Microsoft and Google have different policies when it comes to their employees' food and company cultures.

First thing Ariana clarified - both Google and Microsoft have great food "to optimize the use of employee time," according to Food Beast.

Then came Ariana's analysis, which was based on both company's benefits.

Microsoft's food is not free, albeit delicious, while Google's food is all-inclusive.

Ariana even used Star Wars and Star Trek to differentiate the two companies' cultures and explain how they see food.

Microsoft is like Star Wars, apparently. The company is "a capitalist empire with many free-market options that you vote for with your wallet." Employees are paid well to use their money and think food with money.

Meanwhile, Google sees food like Star Trek. The company is reportedly a socialist empire searching for the truth, therefore the basics of life such as food, are made free so employees could focus on the more complicated issues. In addition, this option helps the people become more competitive in the Silicon Valley society.

"When I was at Microsoft, I lost weight. When I was at Google, I gained 15 pounds. I liked my work just the same. I suppose this means a thin capitalist and a fat socialist live within me," Ariana said.

Despite these clear differences in how Google and Microsoft see food, there is not much difference when it comes to productivity. Neither company makes employees happier nor sadder. Apparently, the perks have little bearing on the overall happiness of the employees.

"The most productive I've been, however, is working for my own startup - where I neither get paid nor can afford to have somebody else prepare the food," says Amin at Qora. "Meaningful work and compensation are nearly independent variables."

In a nutshell, this means that free food or not, both Google and Microsoft treat employees in a fair manner. They are given room for growth, and free food doesn't really affect a person's performance. In the end, it's all a matter of discipline and hard work, according to Realty Today.