Jul 31, 2015 08:09 AM EDT
Red Grapes Benefits: Resveratrol Chemical May Prevent Colon Cancer, But Moderation Is Key

While there are many studies constantly being released about the benefits of red wine, in fact many the great things about this wine come directly from where they stem, and red grapes benefits are not something to frown to - particularly as the latest research has uncovered that this fruit may help prevent bowel cancer.

Cancer Research UK has recently released their latest research on the subject of red grapes benefits, and it turns out that resveratrol, a chemical present in this fruit as well as in red wine, could actually greatly improve bowel health and reduce risks of becoming ill with cancer in this area of the body, although this only applies in small doses.

According to Medical Daily, scientists found the latest red grape benefits by studying mice: in their research, they gave mice susceptible to bowel cancer different doses of red wine, measuring the resveratrol present on It, finding that those given smaller doses actually had a 50 percent reduction in tumor size, while the ones given more red wine (about 200 times as much) had only 25 percent reduction.

Science Daily reports that the latest red grapes benefits discovery was published in the latest edition of the Science Translational Medicine journal under the name "Cancer chemoprevention: Evidence of a nonlinear dose response for the protective effects of resveratrol in humans and mice."

"It's a fascinating study but we need much more research to understand all the pros and cons of someone taking resveratrol to prevent bowel cancer," said Dr. Julie Sharp, from Cancer Research UK, speaking about the latest red grapes benefits discovery. "However, we do know that keeping a healthy weight along with a balanced diet low in red and processed meat with lots of fiber including fruit and vegetables can stack the odds in your favor to lower your risk of developing the disease."

The Health Site reports that this is the first study to look into red grapes' benefits when only taking smaller daily doses, and it showed that the chemical will always improve chances of diminishing tumors, although the effectiveness rises in smaller amounts.