Aug 21, 2015 08:30 PM EDT
'GoPro Hero 5' to be Half the Weight and Size of Hero 4

The GoPro Hero 5 is coming. However, its timetable has been delayed by a few months according to the Venture Capital Post. Sorry folks! Supposedly, the latest iteration of the revolutionary action camera was going to be released this coming October. But that is no longer the case and it can be expected at last quarter 2015 at the earliest.

The additional wait is going to allow its creators to tweak and perfect the electronics inside. The reason for this is that the GoPro Hero 5 is going to boast half the weight and size of the Hero 4. To be exact, it is supposed to be 40% lighter and 50% smaller.

This will make the GoPro Hero 5 practically the same size as the GoPro Hero 4 Session. And speaking of the Session, the delayed release also serves as a marketing tool for Session which was released last month, the first GoPro which does not need a separate case to be waterproof.

The delayed release for circuit improvements also bumps up the price of the Hero 5. It is expected to fetch around $550 from the previous estimate of $450. Quite a big jump. But how the Hero 5 will perform compared to the Hero 4 Session is for everyone to wait and see.

It can be safely assumed that the newest GoPro will be a marriage between the size and weight of the GoPro Hero 4 Session and the full features of the GoPro Hero 4 Silver.

The Master Herald reports that it will have 3D recording using dual lenses. It will also have an ultra-HD option that allows 8k videos with pixel resolution of 3840 x 2160 at 60 fps.

It is also expected that the new GoPro will have a stronger battery life which will offer two hours of video recording. Its Bluetooth will also be much faster and will have a higher upload speed than the Hero 4.