Aug 27, 2015 12:51 PM EDT
Viral Video Miley Cyrus On Jimmy Kimmel: ‘Hannah Montana’ Faces Haters Undercover – PLUS, Jimmy And Paul McCartney Flustered Over Outfits! [WATCH]

Ahead of the MTV Video Music Awards this Sunday, the "Wrecking Ball" singer is currently doing some touring to talk about what's next for her, including a Miley Cyrus Jimmy Kimmel appearance where she decided to meet her haters!

It turns out it's not that hard for the former Disney Channel star to go undercover, and the Miley Cyrus Jimmy Kimmel skit proves it, as she interviews people on Hollywood Boulevard abou what they think about her - only she's dressed as an Australian reporter called Janet ... and one guy told her he preferred Taylor Swift!

In another clip from Miley Cyrus' Jimmy Kimmel show, the star talks about what showing skin means to her and how she made Paul McCartney uncomfortable with one of her outfits a while back.

Watch Miley Cyrus on Jimmy Kimmel below!