Mar 07, 2013 02:14 PM EST
Forget Crash Dieting, Turn to Super Foods to Slim Down That Waist Line

Summer is just around the corner which means many people will find themselves crash dieting in order to obtain that "perfect", beach body. What is a crash diet? A crash diet is one that contains a caloric intake far below what the body essentially needs. It lacks the proper amount of nutrients and offers dieters a quick way to get slim. If a person sticks to a crash diet they may experience rapid weight loss and limited satisfaction. Once the person goes off that unhealthy diet, many will gain the weight back. Some people will even end up weighing more than when they initially started.

There are alternative methods to crash dieting that will help people look great in their summer clothing. One thing people can do is add super foods in to their diets. Super foods can help lower cholesterol; reduce the risk of heart problems and cancer.

What are examples of super foods? Blueberries, spinach, oats, broccoli, soy, yogurt, turkey, salmon and oranges are all examples of super foods. Spinach often has a bitter taste causing some people to not want to eat it. A great way to add the leafy green vegetable into ones diet is by putting it in a smoothie. When paired with fruit, soy milk and other ingredients, one cannot taste it. Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants. Some scientists believe that antioxidants can be linked to preventing cancer.

People that enjoy fish should incorporate more salmon in to their diet. Salmon is high in Omega-3 which is linked to benefiting cardiovascular health and protecting the skin. According to Lifestyle Magazine, salmon is known to have anti-inflammatory effects. This can help the body protect itself against sunburns. A large amount of sunburn can cause people to experience premature wrinkles along with putting them at risk for skin cancer.

As winter turns in to spring, leave those crash diets alone. Start eating super foods because they can do more than just help one lose weight. They add health benefits like the prevention of cancer, keep the skin glowing and can help reduce heart disease.