Mar 08, 2013 02:04 PM EST
PEEPS, An American Icon Still Going Strong After 60 Years

Peeps are marshmallow candies that are shaped in to different animals like bunnies and chicks. During Halloween time, the Pennsylvania based company releases Peeps that are pumpkin shaped. They also produce ginger bread and Christmas Tree shaped ones during the winter holiday season.

The candy has been around for 60 years and throughout those years the company never experienced an unprofitable year. In the beginning, Peeps were just yellow colored chicks. As they began to develop and gain popularity, the company realized they needed to create a variety of different colors along with adding new animal shapes.

The classic candy is frequently seen in children's Easter baskets. Their website offers a variety of recipes along with creative ways to enjoy the marshmallow candy. One way is the PEEPSicles, one would dip the candy in chocolate and cover it with their toppings of choice. Another way is Sweet PEEPS Macaroons, a perfect treat to serve guests during spring time. They are coconut macaroons topped with chocolate and garnished with a PEEP.

Just Born earned its name when the founder Sam Born proudly displayed in his store window an evolving line of daily-made candy, declaring them "just born". In 1953, it took 27 hours to create one PEEPS chick due to modern day technology, it takes 6 minutes.

The company also owns Mike and Ike, Hot Tamales, Goldenberg's Peanut Chews and Teenee Beanee. All of their candy is developed in The United States and they employ approximately 600 people. In 2009, Just Born opened its first retail store, PEEPS® & Company, in National Harbor, MD. Since then, they opened up two more stores one of which is located in The Mall of America in Minnesota and the other in The Outlets at Sands Bethlehem in Pennsylvania.

They also have an online store that sells merchandise such as t-shirts, nail polish, wallets, phone cases and mugs. Just Born was able to turn a candy marshmallow in to an American icon. They remain a family owned business and sell their products in both The United States and Canada. The company's headquarters remain in Pennsylvania, where they originated from.