Oct 06, 2015 11:40 AM EDT
New Study Promises Development Of Exercise Pill

A new study conducted by researchers from Australia may lead to the creation of the first ever exercise pill.

Exercise and other physical activities are proven effective in improving one's health and also reducing the risks of numerous diseases. However, for how many years, experts were always wondering how exercise really works outside of its default benefits.

In the said study, it was found out that over 1,000 different molecular changes are taking place into a person's muscles during an exercise. According to the researchers, the data can be converted into a "blueprint" for the development of a certain exercise pill that copy the effect of a regular workout.

The research was conducted by examining four healthy men. The biopsies of the subjects were studied by the use of mass spectrometry, after they performed a laborious 10-minute exercise.

With the help of advanced technology, researchers have mapped for the first time the details of about 1,000 molecular changes in the body during exercise. The said changes are said to affect almost all of the body's system form energy metabolism to insulin sensitivity.

Nolan Hoffman, a researcher at the University of Sydney stated that the latest discovery is considered a major breakthrough and will allow various researchers to create a pill that will imitate the full effects of physical exercise.

However, David James instructed the people that the actual physical exercise is still the most effective way to achieve health wellness.

"Exercise is the most powerful therapy for many human diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and neurological disorders. However, for many people, exercise isn't a viable treatment option. This means it is essential that we find ways of developing drugs that mimic the benefits of exercise," stated by the lead author of the study.

The new study is now published in Cell Metabolism and Trends in Pharmacological Sciences.