Oct 09, 2015 09:40 AM EDT
Game Of Thrones' Natalie Dormer Talks About Lady Margaery's Future

At the Game of Thrones cast panel held at New York Comic Con, actress Natalie Dormer shared a few nuggets of information regarding the future of the character; the politically-ambitious Lady Margaery Tyrell.

The aspiring queen of the seven realms didn't end season five on a high note, as she was thrown in jail by the High Sparrow. The character has jostled for the throne with Lena Headey's Cersei Lannister for much of her stay in King's Landing, but Dormer hinted that mutual interests may lead to an alliance of sorts between the two in season six.

Margaery is trying to be Cersei, she's trying to be the mother of The King. She wants to have a child that's going to end up on the Iron Throne," Dormer said to the audience. "She's as talented at the machinations and the politics and the backstabbing as Cersei is and Cersei knows that. It's like the Cold War's mutually assured destruction. It's gotten really interesting last season. They've got new problems those two. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, maybe?"

Despite the tension between the two on screen, Dormer says that she has nothing but admiration for Headey on set.

She also added that she has a bit of a soft spot for the character of The Hound, who is played by Rory McCann. Dormer says she would jump at the chance to play the role.

"I would really like to be Rory. She said. "I'd love to be the Hound for a day. Because he just doesn't give a flying f#@k. He's really happy being the bad guy. But he's the good guy -- he's the bad guy with the heart of gold. He's the opposite of Margaery, who's smiling all the time. So I'd love to be the Hound and just run my sword through some people!"