Oct 30, 2015 06:40 PM EDT
Sure Tips To Treat All Kinds of Acne

Believe it or not, everyone has to deal with breakouts (at least once in his life) including supermodels and celebrities. Acne is the single most common skin problem in the United States and treatments depend on what type of acne it is. Good news is, we have the solutions shared by Dermatologist Dr. Anne Chiu to Yahoo Health. Worry no more, and start scrolling.

Comedonal acne

It usually shows as tiny bumps all over the skin, but most of the times concentrated in the T-zone. This type of acne is caused by clogged pores and oily skin.

Comedonal is quite easy to treat with prescription retinoid that will unclog the pores and increase skin exfoliation and turnover. Remedy with salicylic or glycolic acid can be bought over the counter. Chiu also advises people with this type of acne to wash their faces twice a day and use treatment products with exfoliants. Heavy makeup is also discouraged.

Inflammatory acne

Inflammatory acne is more common in men due to higher testosterone levels causing more oil production in the face. This type of acne usually shows up as red bumps on random spots on the face.

Chiu recommends washing the face twice a day and focusing on oil control. One may opt to buy products with tea tree oil, salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. These substances control oil and leave the face less shiny. Benzoyl peroxide reduces bacteria and unclogs the pores. However, be careful as excessive use of this product might cause drying and irritation of the skin. You may also use oil control sheets to avoid this type of acne.

Cystic acne

This type is what people dread the most. It is a scarring type of acne with deep inflammation in the skin. Chiu says that this type should be treated early and aggressively.

Accutane treatment for this type usually lasts five to six months and requires commitment. 30 percent of patients who undergo an Accutane medication get rid of acne for the rest of their lives and for most people, acne becomes more manageable and less inflamed. You might want to see a dermatologist to know what combination of topical and oral antibiotics suits you.

Hormonal-onset acne

Hormonal acne usually occurs with women in their late 20's or 30's. It is caused by the drop in estrogen levels and it usually appears on the lower third of the face around the chin.

To rebalance the hormones, specialists usually recommend birth control and spironolactone (testosterone blocker).

For all types of acne, Dr. Chiu has one advice: Don't pick.