Nov 02, 2015 10:00 PM EST
Gibson Creates New Set of Microphone Widgets For Podcasters

Life on the internet is one of the one of the most identifiable lifestyle nowadays. Anyone who knows any sort of blogger, podcaster, aspiring singer/songwriter in their life knows very well that it is not only a good camera that is important in creating their magic, but this people making a living out of the fastidious internet also need very good microphones that are easy to use and simple.

Now Gibson has released their newest line of microphones that captures both audio marvelously but also the spirit of post war America through their intricate design.

The microphones from Neat and Gibson are very easy to use. It is a widget series that is very affordable and has three mics that are sonically identical, according to a review done by Gizmodo.

The widget of Neat Microphones will be available for preorder in numerous electronics and music store for just $99 dollars.

This is not the first try in microphone production by Gibson Guitar, last year, in 2014 they launched the first line of microphones called the "bee line", which raked in very good reviews.

All of the three brand new microphones are a simple plug-and-play USB audio, the height of the microphone can be change courtesy of the tracks the mic is mounted on.

In a video from the National Association of Music Merchants convention back in January 2015, Skipper Wise, president of Neat Microphones said that the newest line can record professional 24 bit/96kHz audio.

The microphone is sticking to very simple ways of using it because the neat widget does not need any additional software to work or any drivers. The base of the microphone also acts as a shock-mount, which isolates the microphone from unwanted vibrations.

Neat is opening up many opportunities for anyone who wants to be a podcaster due to the decently priced microphone line they are offering. This move done by brand, Gibson Guitar is very well thought of as well.