Nov 04, 2015 08:30 PM EST
Ketchup and Why it's So Hard to Pour

Condiment lovers may sometimes get upset as their favorite ketchup won't leave the bottle. Most individuals are already well aware that the struggle in getting ketchup out of the bottle is real, but the FoodBeast website was able to figure out the rationale behind the "hard to pour" ketchup dilemma.

As per the website, ketchup doesn't have the elements of a normal liquid, which means that it's basically composed of numerous particles. Its thickness may vary can is capable of constantly changing depending of hoe you would pour the stubborn condiment.  The force being applied upon pouring the condiment may also be one factor on why it clings unto the bottle as per TED-Ed.

The website then added that ketchup may seem solid when inside the bottle, but once force is applied upon pouring it, it becomes 1000 times thinner, which can result to a messy ketchup flood.

As per the Mental Floss website, the ketchup's flow doesn't seem applicable simple because it a "non-Newtonian" fluid, as they would call it.

The rationale behind its unpredictability lies through its tiny tomato particles. After being combines with liquid from the water, vinegar, sugar , and spices, they would blend but would eventually resist and bump into each other which would cause them to have a different reaction every time.

As per the TED-Ed video, a fluid such as ketchup doesn't go by the rules. Its viscosity (which measures the flow of liquid) changes depending on how hard, how long, and on how much force is being applied upon pouring it.

One of the best tips in having a mess free ketchup pour however is placing the lid tightly and give it a few shakes so the particles would get a "jump start" and would make it easier to pour.