Nov 04, 2015 12:02 PM EST
Benefits of Eating Avocados Regularly

The fact that avocados are full of healthy fats that has high nutrient value, everyone should consider eating avocados regularly.

Cholesterol and sodium is absent in Avocados, that's why it is a popular food for those who are very health conscious. It is also low in saturated fat as well.

People who are in need or are always low in potassium, would normally go for bananas. What they don't know is that avocados also is loaded with  high amounts of potassium that it could help support and regulate one's blood pressure levels.

Avocados also contain Oleic Acid which is a fat that can also be found in olive oil and is known to be very healthy for one's heart.  Oleic Acid can also help reduce the risk of cancer. Avocados and Avocado oil has a high amount of Oleic Acid.

To address the concers of weight watchers, reducing the drastic change of rate in one's blood sugar and reducing the exposure in any diseases, one is expected to consume large amount of fiber and since avocados have a large amount of fiber present in it, it should be consumed regularly and should be on everybody's diet.

It is believed that those who frequently eat more avocados tend to be healthier than those who do not, the reason behind it is simple: it helps lower one's cholesterol level and it has nutrients and minerals that one should have in order to have a healthy body.

Avocados are also known to be high and loaded with antioxidants that help in keeping one's eyesight healthy. The antioxidants are called Lutein and Zeaxanthin in which helps reduce the risk of having cataracts and any other eye infections/diseases that the elderly commonly have.

The fruit also reduces the risk of having certain cancers as well. There are studies that prove that avocado extract can prevent the growth of cancer cells, not only that, avocado extract can also reduce the risk of one having arthritis because the said extract cancels the symptoms.

Researchers stated that adding avocados in one's diet is a health benefit that everybody should be informed with.