Nov 06, 2015 10:13 PM EST
New Study Teaches Ways to Stop Bingeing

A recent study shows how weekends destroy a person's diet and why regular bingeing is bad for your health. As always been taught by a lot of people, prevention is always the cure. So before weekend comes again, these ways could lead to self-control and prevent over indulging.

Create a Plan. Physiologists often remind their patients how planning is beneficial in sustaining positive traits. Even every athlete follows a plan to obtain skills needed to win. To stop bingeing, planning is a critical part. It is essential to list down certain activities or things that activates your over indulging desire and write down ways you can do to prevent it from happening again. Complete Human Performance lay down a sample of a plan.

If this... "I'm bored, it's late, and I'm tired. I need chocolate."

Then... Read a book, play video games, talk to a friend, drink some tea.

If this... "I've already eaten slightly more than I planned, and I feel like cleaning out the fridge."

Then... Keep tracking your calories and macros to put your mistake into perspective. Go for a walk. Listen to music. Do something that doesn't involve food.

Eat Enough Food. According to Limor Baum, MS, RD, "Skipping meals or spacing them too far apart means you're setting yourself up for big time hunger-resulting in you inhaling everything in sight. Plus, restricting certain food items will ultimately backfire, causing a binge on those same foods." The more a person feels hungry the lesser he can stay away from bingeing.

Drink Plenty of Water. Thirst is mostly associated with hunge and according to Livestrong, human body can mistake hunger from thirst. People feel thirst when water is needed. When there is a lack of water supply, the body produces signal of thirst that can be confused with hunger. Bingeing occurs when a person is thirsty yet doesn't drink enough water and feels the lacking still. The more water is consumed, the fuller a person feels.

Eat spicy food to snack on. Spicy food curbs the cravings and can fasten one's metabolism.

Get Right Amount of Exercise. Exercise stops hunger. Right amount of exercise, not extreme, could cut the craving and hinder one from bingeing.

Be Kind to yourself. If you fail to follow your diet or over indulge on weekend, one should avoid being too hard on herself and stay motivated. Helpguide suggested, "In order to stop the unhealthy pattern of binge eating, it's important to start eating for health and nutrition. Healthy eating involves making balanced meal plans, choosing healthy foods when eating out, and making sure you're getting the right vitamins and minerals in your diet."