Nov 10, 2015 09:30 PM EST
'28' Perfect Age To Marry According To Math Calculations

Marriage for many is symbol of love, for some it is just a bothersome ceremony that is just written on paper. But despite that, marriage is still widely practiced amongst the old enough, the right age group and even the older ones.

Marriage, as long as you love the other person, it will work out.

But according to a new study by Nick Wolfinger, a sociologist at the University of Utah, and published by Institute of Family studies, there is a perfect age for marriage gives the marriage a high success rate.

The new study unveils that ages 28 to 32 is the best age to get married if the couple doesn't want to get divorced in the next five years or so.

This study contradicts the previous belief that the longer you wait for marriage to come, the more stabilized the marriage will be.

To get this conclusion, Wolfinger analyzed data collected by the National Survey of Family Growth, years 2006 to 2010 and 2011 to 2013.

What Wolfinger happened to see, is that there was bell curve.

"The odds of divorce decline as you age from your teenage years through your late twenties and early thirties. Thereafter, the chances of divorce go up again as you move into your late thirties and early forties." Wolfinger writes in the study.

The study also says that after 32 years old, the chance of divorce goes up to about 5 percent.

Some have pointed out that the specific age group goes under the Goldilocks theory, which means that the age group is mature enough to understand what they are getting into but also has the ability to adjust with many things and taking it as a growing process.

The study has met some backlash with other sociologist. But still, divorce is a sensitive topic in the United States, and many states decline to collect data on it and marriage is now a very 'customizable' process between partners.