Nov 11, 2015 09:28 PM EST
Good News for Chocolate Lovers: Shortage is not Going to Happen According to a Recent Study

Early this year, many had probably felt alarmed when news about cocoa shortage- where chocolates come from, spread out around social media websites and other forms of media. But experts are making all the chocolate lovers happy with their new discovery.

Researchers recently found that cacao plant first existed around 1100 Puerto Escondido, Honduras. This means that chocolate is much older than what was taught before. Chocolate originated from Theobroma Cacao, an exquisite plant growing in tropical forests. Most of them are supplied by main cacao-producing regions such as West Africa, South America, Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

Dr James Richardson, a tropical botanist at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and lead researcher stated, "Studies of the evolutionary history of economically important groups are vital to develop agricultural industries, and demonstrate the importance of conserving biodiversity to contribute towards sustainable development. Here we show for the first time that the source of chocolate, Theobroma cacao, is remarkably old for an Amazonian plant species."

With this new discovery, researchers assured the public that chocolate will be available for a long time since its origin (cacao plant) survived thousands of decades and showed its adaptive nature to previous changes in society. Hence, it is more likely would not be affected by the climate change. "Wild populations of cacao across the Americas may therefore be 'treasure troves of genetic variation', which could be bred into cultivated strains to make the latter more resistant to disease and climate change," Richardson said.

Researchers also see the possibility that changes and variation may have occur as the plant endured with the passing of time. Dr. Richardson stated, "After 10 million years of evolution we should not be surprised to see a large amount of variation within the species, some of which might exhibit novel flavors or forms that are resistant to diseases."

For chocolate addicts around the world, the experts deliver this good news that can sweep your fear of chocolate scarcity and even give you a reason to hope for as new flavors may be discovered soon.