Nov 11, 2015 04:16 PM EST
Justin Bieber: Selena and I Can Be Together in the Future

In his recent guesting on Ellen, pop star Justin Bieber revealed that there is a high chance of him reconciling with his ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez, in the future!

Cambio reported that the on-and-off couple called it quits last year after their four year on and off romance, but have remained close.

When asked by Ellen, if there's still hope he will get back together with his ex-girlfriend Selena, his response totally blew the mind of any Jelena fan:

"Um, maybe? We have a lot of history together, and I am sure it could possibly happen. I think we are both just on our own journeys and figuring ourselves out, and I think maybe once we figure ourselves out we can come back and make an awesome duo or she finds someone awesome and I'll find someone awesome. I just want her to be happy."

The two singers didn't choose the path of burning bridges as they were reportedly still in constant communication with each other. Bieber even admitted that he still loves his ex.

"She is someone I love dearly. I'm never going to stop loving her. I'm never going to stop checking in on her. "I don't think if you end a relationship, you should end that, unless it was super toxic and you guys were hurting each other physically or mentally. We always respected each other and we still respect each other," Bieber said.

He further affirms this by telling Billboard that his love for Selena will "never die."

"When you love someone that much, even if something comes between you, it's a love that never really dies," he said.

It seems like the odds are in the favor of reconciliation! Just last week, Selena expressed the same thoughts saying that she would still want to marry Bieber someday - she's just waiting for him to grow up and mature. Oh, true love!

For sure, a lot of fans are keeping their fingers crossed!