Nov 12, 2015 01:21 PM EST
10 Ways to Stay Mindful of Your Metabolism and Keep the Calories Off

Respect for the body's BMR or basal metabolic rate is one of they key concepts often forgotten and foregone. This is one of the main roots of the prevalent imbalance that has caused most of today's struggle with physiological and psychological health disorders, foremost of which is weight disorder.  However, this does not always have to take too much headache, heartache and money to correct.  Mindfulness of what aids and stalls the metabolism can spell all the difference between weight gain and weight loss.

Here are a few recommended practices of metabolic mindfulness in daily meals:

#1 Take advantage of the benefit of spice to stimulating the metabolism and avoiding risks of inflammation, which exacerbates bloating.  Use a dollop of cinnamon, ginger, garlic, cayenne or turmeric enhance your plate.

#2 A day-starter of green tea is a good way to develop a healthy metabolism and decrease any inflammation.

#3    Ensure a good portion of omega-3 regularly for a healthy immune response, cardiovascular health and healthy metabolism. Salmons are among the common favourite omega-3 sources.

#4 Go for food rich in calcium. These include non-dairy sources such as kale, almonds, edamame, sesame and sunflower seeds, oranges, white beans, sardines and salmon.

5# Drink sufficient water to avoid overeating.

6# Go organic on meat, as much as possible, as the full extent of the effects of injectables to both health and metabolism is yet to be studied in-depth.

#7 Consume cheese in small measures. Cheese is one of those deceptive foods that can so easily cause one to stray. Stay mindful and within the 1.5 ounces per serving limit. Avoid balls and avoid bowls.

#8 Avoid empty calories even when the ingredients list fruits.

#9 Avoid high-sugar and high-calorie drinks that mess up both the energy level and the metabolism.

#10 Sauces and gravy require a special range of mindfulness as spoonsful can easily add up to a bowl when used carelessly.