Nov 12, 2015 11:38 AM EST
Constant Headaches? You're Probably 24 - Age Linked to Health Conditions, Study Reveals

Many say that grey hair and blurry eye sight are just two of the most common signs of ageing. But does one's age affect her health condition? The truth is it does and nothing can stop that from happening. But you do not need to worry anymore about not knowing when a leg pain will occur or what a regular head ache cause since researchers had invented a timeline that associate one's age to the possibility of experiencing a specific health ailment.

A survey was distributed to 2,000 participants with different ages. Questions about the status of their health were asked. The survey also includes questions about what the participants are noticing in their bodies as they age. Some noted that as they age, their health weakens and they experience more severe health conditions.

According to Healthspan's spoke person, "It's inevitable that as we age we will get more health complaints, as youngsters you are more resilient and can shake things off far quicker. The research shows by the time we reach our thirties, everyday ailments like joint pain, headaches and digestive problems are more common place. Even those who have kept up a fitness regime throughout their twenties are often set back by problematic ankles, knees and backs." Healthspan is the  vitamin company who led the survey.

The results show that at age 24, people will more likely experience head aches and migraine. Weak ankles are common to those at age 32. Back aches are most commonly felt by participants who are 33 years old and weak knees by those who are 37. At the age of 39, grey hair can be noticed growing and at 40, they most likely feel pain in the joints or arthritis. Many of the participants have hot sweats when they reach the age 50.

 The timeline set by the researchers can be helpful to everyone. Hence prevention can be done earlier and the next time you experience these symptoms, you do not need to feel anxious, because it could only mean you're not getting any younger.