Nov 12, 2015 01:34 PM EST
'Tis the Season to be Jolly: 5 Ways to Beat the Seasonal Depression

It is winter and you suddenly feel sad. You probably can't explain why but Science can. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression associated to season changes due to lack ness or excess of light.  According to Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal, MD, retired from the National Institutes of Mental Health, 6 percent of the US population, usually those in northern climates, are affected by SAD while 14 percent of the older population experiences minimal seasonal mood changes or winter blues. But you don't need to feel lonely anymore with these 5 tips to make you smile.

Get some light.  Most of the adults experience SAD on winters, where the sky is darker. A light box that emits enough light to increase serotonin, a chemical in the body that balances one's mood 

Get up and Move. Study shows that females who don't get enough physical activity that the body needs have 53 percent more chance of having depression. Those who are overweight (with 125% chance) are more likely to feel sad occasionally than those with normal weight. Exercise helps to maintain the right level of serotonin to keep you from grimacing. 

Laugh out Loud. Though it is not scientifically proven that laughter is the best medicine, but it might help in wiping those frown out of your face. A study from the University of Montreal found that laughing with family, friends and associates can increase the level of serotonin and change your mood for the better.

Go get some Chamomile tea or supplement.  Experts found that Chamomile is beneficial in improving one's mood. According to, "Clinical and basic research support that chamomile helps to reduce anxiety."

Go out and Serve Others. Doing good has always been proven to make one happy. Dr. Elizabeth R. Lombardo, PhD, author of the book A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness, stated, "Philanthropic work is a well-documented mood improver." So find someone to help. Volunteer in your community or feed the hungry. In addition to your happiness, you also make other feel joyful.