Nov 13, 2015 02:53 PM EST
Vampire Diaries Season 7 Pregnancy Alert! [Recap and Spoiilers]

The Vampire Diaries loves to keep their plot with a shocking twist right before a season ends and that is exactly what the writers did on the last season of the show. One of the characters was pregnant and it was Jo (Jodi Lyn O'Keefe) who was apparently carrying twins. She was stabbed in her stomach the last time the fans saw her and everyone thought her kids were affected and dead.

Then came season 7, which showed that her twins turned out fine. Alaric (Matt Davis) was reported by IB Times to have the opportunity and be a father, Stefan (Paul Wesley) on the other hand wanted vengeance against that person who didn't give him that same chance.

And now to catch up with the latest episode, Alaric and Jo decided to meet at a coffee shop, but then she started not feeling well. He drove her home but she didn't feel any better. Apparently, she is dying. She is human and there is no way she could take a vampire soul.

While she was about to close her eyes, she recalled that her real name is actually Florence. She talked to Alaric and was sorry about his wife. She said she wished she was her but she wasn't. It was a sad scene as Alaric once again grieved on the death of his wife.

In the middle of that, Valerie (Elizabeth Blackmore) showed him his wedding video. There is a revelation that happened and it was the fact that Gemini witches would not send Kai to prison and they were just trying to keep Jo's twins alive. Caroline (Candice King) doesn't want to tell Alaric about it yet because she doesn't want him to have false hopes.

And as for the other character who is pregnant in the show, Caroline is since the Gemini witches gave her the twins. And one more thing, Candice King is also pregnant in real life.