Nov 17, 2015 04:30 PM EST
4 Easy Ways to Prevent Exercise Acne

Adolescence certainly brings back memories we wish would just be deleted from our brains permanently. Unfortunately, those memories will be etched on our brains until Dementia decides to drop in and erase all those (which of course we don't wish upon ourselves).

Speaking of adolescence, there are certainly so many things that you don't miss about it. But if a genie comes up to and grants you one wish, you wish to skip the part of that awkward acne-filled face adolescence and fast forward to the "clearer" days.

And while you may have already moved on from those adolescent acnes, there are still these belligerent breakouts- most of it hormonal. Somehow, it's a love-hate relationship between you and your skin problems. One of the reasons that you may have these breakouts falls on your exercise. Bet you didn't know how to deal with exercise acne.

The whole theory about working out is good for you is not really all true. Those who said that forgot to mention that it only applies to your health but not to your skin. Sweat build up can block your pores and may lead to a horrific breakout. They also failed to mention that transfers of oil and bacteria (which loves moist and humid environment, like the gym) to skin may cause you to have an acne infested face.

You go to the gym to feel your best self, both inside and out and not to have to deal with these breakouts. Fortunately, a New York Dermatologist, Dr. Jeremy Fenton of the Schweiger Dermatology Group gave us tips on how to prevent exercise acnes.

Don't postpone showering. It is best to shower soon after hitting the gym to prevent sweat build-up that might get to clingy to dead skin cell and clog your pores.

If you don't access to the shower after your workout, you can use medicated pads with salicylic or glycolic acid (like Clear Clinic ClearMe Pads) to wide down your skin.

Use the right body wash. Getting rid of your normal soap and water skin regimen and switching to a antibacterial or anti-acne face wash that contains ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid may be able to help you prevent exercise acne. *Something to remember when using a benzoyl peroxide wash: leave it on your skin after you lather before rinsing your face to let the medication to sink into your pores.

Exfoliate regularly. Exfoliation is a major factor in acne prevention. Doing it regularly will help remove dead skin cells build up and help your face feel smoother and lighter.

 Breathable clothing. Try to wear loose-fitting, breathable cotton clothing. The tighter, synthetic materials just compress the sweat and dirt into the pores.