Nov 20, 2015 11:25 AM EST
Peter Jackson’s ‘Hobbit’ Movies Are Messy, And Even Oscar-Winning ‘Lord Of The Rings’ Director Admits It [VIDEO]

"The Lord of the Rings" trilogy is one of the greatest achievements in fantasy cinema, and the last installment, "Return of the King," was so well-loved at the time of its released that it won every single Academy Award it was nominated for, including Best Picture - so what happened with Peter Jackson's "Hobbit" movies?

The "LotR" prequel trilogy may have packed on the bucks in the box office, but that didn't stop critics from weighing in on how it very much paled in comparison to the first three films, with many wondering what the director was thinking when making Peter Jackson's "Hobbit" trilogy - so now, a year after "The Battle of the Five Armies," the iconic director's giving his two cents on the Martin Freeman-starring films.

According to Slash Film, there's a special feature on the new extended edition of the last of Peter Jackson's "Hobbit" movies, where the Oscar winner gets quite serious about what he was doing when it was time to make this film - and it seems he was winging it the entire time.

As The Guardian reports, in the clip the star director speaks candidly about how rushed production was for the Peter Jackson "Hobbit" trilogy, as Guillermo Del Toro had just walked away from the project and there was no time to give Jackson space to do his own thing.

"You're going on to a set and you're winging it, you've got these massively complicated scenes, no storyboards and you're making it up there and then on the spot," said Peter Jackson of "Hobbit," reports. "I spent most of The Hobbit feeling like I was not on top of it ][...] even from a script point of view Fran [Walsh], Philippa [Boyens] and I hadn't got the entire scripts written to our satisfaction so that was a very high pressure situation."

You can watch Peter Jackson's "Hobbit" confession in the clip below.