Nov 22, 2015 01:18 PM EST
Caffeine Don't Give Negative Effect To Kids

Caffeine are agreed to have negative effects. Consuming it can be associated with drinking coffee, sodas and the like in large amount. But some researchers have look on it in different way.

A study researched by Nationwide Children's Hospital implies that a pregnant mommy that consumes caffeine during pregnancy doesn't really affect infant's future intelligence or behavioral health.

The research actually involves blood samples of 2,000 pregnant mothers between the years of 1959 and 1974. In order to complete the study, researchers decided to look back on the said years wherein there is more caffeine intake because people has less information regarding the substance unlike now.

The study is published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. It gives conclusion that moderate caffeine usage or consuming two cups of caffeine per day has no evident connection to child's obesity and other behavioral issues. reports, United States hasn't provided any guiding principle regarding kids caffeine intake, but a recommendation by Canadians propose that preschoolers must not drink more than 45 milligrams of the substance per day same as the caffeine in a single 12-ounce can of soda.

Caffeine is safe to consume but moderation is required according to National Institute of Health, reported.

The result of the study and researches made has demonstrated that caffeine intake by pregnant women don't produces negative effects on children's behavior and obesity.

But even though the study has provided this conclusion, researchers still manage to warn pregnant women to be careful always with the food and drinks they eat and drink while being pregnant because of different sensitivities that a woman can have during that state.

Diets of expecting mothers should be highly monitored together with their doctors so that mother and child health issues will not take place.