Sep 01, 2014 02:32 PM EDT
Clint Eastwood: One Of The Directors Of The Decade

Clint Eastwood has been an Actor since 1955, and a Director since 1971. In other words, this man knows what he is doing.

After learning from the Film Industry while acting in several movies, he has shown that he is a lot more than just a pretty face. He was very well-known in the past for being very handsome and a "rough" attitude could be found in every character he played.

After near twenty years of acting, he decided to try out Directing. He has been doing incredible movies, so far. Some of them are "The Bridges of Madison County" (1995), where he lived an unforgettable affair as the main character with Meryl Streep. Then, "Midnight in The Garden Of Good And Evil" (1997), where Kevin Spacey and John Cusack gave a stellar performance as well. And all the way from 2003 he hasn't stopped. He made that year "Mystic River," "Million Dollar Baby" (2004), "Flags Of Our Fathers" (2006), and so on.

He seriously has not stopped making excellent movies ever since. And somehow he takes the best performance from his actors. Probably because he is one himself, and he can relate to them directly or perhaps there is some unfathomable reason that nobody knows. Whichever it is, he does a fantastic job and they all compromise on a very personal level with the character they are creating and the story they are telling.

He tends to focus on transcending stories. Like "Million Dollar Baby," Hilary Swank is a boxer who has all possible odds and still rises from the ashes and becomes an incredible female boxer.

The characters are always profound and follow different causes. They have a clear aim, and chase it nonstop. For example, in "Changeling" (2008), Angelina Jolie plays a mother who lost her son and then he is found again. Only that the one given back to her is not really her son, but another boy. So, she spends years going after him and not stopping until she finds him, either alive or dead.

That is why perhaps, now he is going after another determined character in his last movie, which he will be releasing at the end of this year, American Sniper. It is based on a Bestselling book about an real autobiography that deals with the story of a Navy SEAL who is countered for more than 160 kills.

The movie is produced by Warner Brothers and was going to be directed by Steven Spielberg, but later changed to the hands of Clint Eastwood. It is meant to be released on the 25th of December, as a sort "Christmas Special." And it promises to be just as great as all of his last movies have been.

On talking about his movies, he said "Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands." Those were inspiring words and also very true.