Nov 27, 2015 08:53 PM EST
Food That Everyone Must Avoid

There are a lot of food that everyone must avoid but the following are the most common and are usually found in people's diets, also some of these food may be the root cause of cancer.

A study shows that almost ¾ of all processed food in the United States contains at least one genetically modified ingredient. Most researchers that have been studying about genetically modified foods suggest that people should avoid eating processed foods because it increases the risk of one being exposed to certain types of cancer.

Grilled meat is bad as well. Grilling meat means that the meat has to be cooked in a very high temperature which can produce cancer-causing agents and expand the danger for cancer.

According to, eating or consuming refined sugar has additionally brought about expanded rates of obesity, which can likewise prompt cancer, for example, breast, prostate, uterine, pancreatic and colorectal cancer.

Processed meat like luncheon meat, hot dogs and bacon, these are the type of meats that contain a high amount of salt, preservatives and chemicals. Smoked meats are by far and away more terrible as the meat regularly gets to be contaminated  by cancer-causing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, much like what happens when you smoke cigarettes.

Lab rats were used for an experiment to prove that refined sugar can cause cancer, though it wasn't confirmed yet that the effects on rats may effect on humans too, still, refined sugar must always be avoided or better yet replaced.

Hydrogenated oils are basically vegetable oils that have been separated from their sources using a compound procedure. These oils contain a high measure of Omega 6 unsaturated fats. These trans unsaturated fats may cause the expanded danger in coronary illness and a few cancers including skin cancer, pancreatic disease, and rectal tumor.