Sep 11, 2014 07:06 PM EDT
Contrave Side Effects Worry Future Users Of The Just Approved Weight-Loss Drug By FDA

Contrave Side Effects - Like almost everything, the new drug Contrave has pros and cons, good sides and shady sides. When finding out about it, people worry about how not only their bodies changes but also the changes that their minds will suffer.

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration regulated in USA) has just approved today the drug Contrave which is used to fight obesity and made especially for obese people, who are a big majority in the country and the world currently.

The good sides of Contrave include: it is a mixture of two drugs that have been already approved, naltrexone and bupropion. Naltrexone is used to treat alcohol and narcotic dependencies. Bupropion also helps in the narcotic side and it is essentially an antidepressant.

It is designed for people who have a mass index of thirty or higher, which is the number considered as obese. It helps to reduce up to four per cent of the weight more than other pills, but it is not magical.

The bad sides of Contrave are that it has side effects. Most drugs do. This one was tested for a year in approximately 4,500 people, according to The Washington Post.

It seems that the drug essentially speeds up heart palpitations and it can also provoke suicidal tendencies due to the antidepressant that is contained in it.

Due to the heart effects, the drug had a long run before it was approved. In 2011 they conducted another study and the results were better in that area.

Dr. Jennifer Ashton has said about Contrave, "It works on the brain to fight those signals that drive hunger, reward, impulse, and it sends those signals to the rest of the organism."

Because this drug acts on the brain especially, there is the concern about Contrave's side effects on behavior, thoughts, etc.

We will have to wait and see, as it hasn't been on the market long enough to see the long-term effects. It is a promising drug, though, so Contrave shouldn't have a big problem involving side effects.