Dec 02, 2015 08:37 AM EST
Why Do Men Suffer From Depression Differently Than Women?

Feelings of despair, drained energy, anxiety and self-loathing are among the common symptoms of depression. While people believe this mental health problem is mostly suffered by women, a new survey revealed that men, too, are equally prone to depression.

The Huffington Post UK reports men experience symptoms of depression differently compared to women. While depressed females are diagnosed with symptoms such as low energy and anxiety, depressed males, on the other hand, become more agitated, restless and aggressive.

Health expert Dr. Sally Norton adds signs of "male-type" depression also include feeling on the edge, being suspicious, becoming controlling, and sudden outbursts of anger, men. In addition to these behavioral signs, depression also triggers physical symptoms such as headache, backache and stomachache, as well as problems in bed including sleep and sex.

According to Norton, these behavioral signs are not included in the doctors' diagnostics hence fewer men are diagnosed with depression. Another reason is that men are more pressured to appear tough, hide sensitive feelings and mask vulnerability with other behaviors.

"Then there's the stigma that still surrounds anything that is mental health," Norton added. "We don't feel embarrassed admitting to a sprained muscle, so why is it still so hard to admit to mental stresses and strains?"

According to the survey almost half of British men are suffering from depression. To cope with this problem, depressed men commonly count on displacement behaviors such as working overtime, taking drugs, or getting involved in reckless activities.

"It may sound a cliché, but women tend to use food, friends, and "love" to self-medicate, while men often turn to alcohol, TV, sports and sex," Norton wrote.

Norton advices guys to "man up" and admit they are depressed for them to get through depression.

"Wake up to the signs and get your feelings out in the open," Norton suggests. "You'll be in the best place to get the help you need and start on the road to recovery."