Dec 14, 2015 08:40 AM EST
Starbucks’ Polar Bear Cookies Are Freaking People Out

It's Christmas! And the holiday season brings about cuteness, adorable decorations, holiday colors and flavors. Can't say the same for Starbucks though when patrons are up in arms upset over the company's attempt at a cute seasonal cookie.

The Starbucks treat is a very cute white polar bear-shaped cookie wearing a red scarf. However, the huge coffee chain is not getting the reaction they were expecting. People say that they're not seeing a red scarf. Instead, they're seeing a bear with a slashed neck. 

It's like a bad Christmas movie. Starbucks has been trying to get into the holiday festivities after the dramatic outrage and online mocking they have experienced over the Starbuck's plain red ombre cup.

Starbucks have been trying to pacify patrons over their past complaints but their cute cookie didn't even hit the mark. The polar bear represents Christmas but the scarf, well, represents a Halloween Slasher movie?

One person tweeted online:

First starbucks doesn't support christmas and now they encourage killing polar bears. smh 

Another user posted:

Not sure why Starbucks think Polar Bears with their throats slit are 'christmassy 

More dramatic posts expressed outrage as to why Starbucks would manufacture an innocent white polar bear cookie with its throat slit and seeing a dozen of these endangered pastries on a tray looked like a crime scene for one user. 

Users wonder if Starbucks is getting dark with the lack of Christmas cheer this year. But that's not the whole truth. Starbucks has not baked these cookies since 2010. The polar bear cookies have been discontinued and the original photos that caused the outrage are old and have not been sold in Starbucks stores in 5 years. 

Goes to show that it pays to do a little bit of research before tweeting a trending item that you can never take back.

Polar bear cookies have not been harmed in this post.