Dec 15, 2015 07:30 AM EST
Diet and Weight Loss: The Best Ways to Eat Food and Be Healthy

You may have decided what kind of diet you want to be on to lose weight or just to maintain your slimness. Or you may be one of those who are on a "yo-yo" diet because not one works for you. Have you gone low-carb? Low-fat? Paleo? And these haven't worked for you? There's a simple formula that can help you lose weight.

Weight loss experts say that losing those pounds can be summed up to a quick formula: Calories in versus Calories out.

To simplify, if you burn more calories than you take in, you will lose weight.

You may be thinking "Easy to say, hard to do". The question of how to exactly lose the weight and cut the calories in a healthy and sustainable way depends on the best fit diet for you. 

The calorie equation stated above is the most important factor in losing weight provided it fits with the diet of your personal choice. 

What do you need to eat if you want to shed those pounds and slim down?

The best food someone on a diet should eat? The same foods they should eat when they're not on a diet, but just less of them 

as told by Dr. Frank Sacks, a professor of cardiovascular disease prevention at Harvard. Experts have indicated that the staples of a healthy diet includes fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and whole grains because these food groups are important not only in maintaining and achieving your desired body weight but for your own good health in general, as Live Science reports indicated.

Popular diets when it comes to losing weight include Carbohydrate control, Protein enrichment, Fat control and Macronutrient combination.

This article may make you think about the drastic or slow change you may want to consider for your body in order to lose weight but it's also best to refer to your local physician instead for proper recommendations.