Dec 15, 2015 01:40 PM EST
This Robot Will Help You Find True Love On Tinder [Video]

This robot knows exactly who you're meant to be with on Tinder.

Medical Daily reports Nicole He, a graduate school student at NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program invented a True Love Tinder Robot that could play cupid while users find their match on the dating app.

This is how the True Love Tinder Robot works: Place your smartphone in front of the robot hand and put your both hands on the sensors. As you look at a profile on Tinder, the robot will examine your galvanic skin response and identify if swiping right (found a match) or left (reject) is the best idea. If the robot hand feels your hands are sweating - which indicates an attraction - it will swipe right for you. On the other hand, if your hands remain dry, the robot will swipe to the left.

And just like any other BFF, this robot will tell you the appropriate comments. "The lines I wrote for the robot were an attempt to give a similar sense of character, even for a short interaction," He wrote on her blog.

"Hello human, I am the True Love Tinder Robot," the robot says at the start of the session. "You can trust me because I am a robot. Let us begin."

"I can read your feelings," the robot says in a dull voice. "No match here."

"Can you see yourself spending your life with this person?" the robot asks. "You are lot very picky, are you?"

So why would you even let a robot take control of your love life?

"We trust that algorithms on dating sites can find us suitable partners," He explained. "Simultaneously, we use consumer biometric devices to tell us what's going on with our bodies and what we should do to be healthy and happy. Maybe it's not a stretch to consider what happens when we combine these things."

Watch how the True Love Tinder Robot works below:

True Love Tinder Robot from Nicole He on Vimeo.