Oct 02, 2014 02:08 PM EDT
Ebola Zombies? Allegations Of Resurrection Cause Panic

Ebola Zombies - It's quite hard to explain how some things could happen. One of them is the supposed fact that people are returning after dead in Africa. The two known cases have happened last week and they are producing fear and superstition.

There was an article that has been going around everywhere with comments, opinions, and more. The article is from The New Dawn, a Liberian News Site, and was later on republished in All Africa.

The particularity is that the article does not waste time to go around the bushes with the "Ebola zombies" but already starts by stating, "Two ebola patients, who died of the virus in separate communities in Nimba County have reportedly resurrected in the county."

The other particularity is that Ebola virus has been in this same track for a while now. There is even one video that has gone viral where a man who is stricken with Ebola virus is put in quarantine and he gets out of it to go and "take a walk" from what can be seen, and people start pointing at him and following him all over until he is caught once again.

To say that scene does not look like a horror movie taking place would be understating. The entirety of the Ebola virus is quite scary, to say the least.

Back to the article, apparently the two Ebola patients were taken to burial when they "resurrected." After that, what has happened is, "News of the resurrection of the two victims has reportedly created panic in residents of Hope Village Community and Ganta at large, with some citizens describing Dorris Quoi as a ghost, who shouldn't live among them."

The article was posted on Sept. 24th and since then, the residents of Hope Village haven't been the only ones reacting panicked, but users in Twitter have as well, as The Business Insider has noted, where some claim that the government should take care of this before it gets out of control, as people don't want zombies.