Jan 22, 2016 11:00 PM EST
Have Constant (and Oftentimes Uncontrollable) Cravings for Food? Here's How to Stop Them

Ask anyone about the foods they crave, and most likely, they'll spew out a list so fast you find it impossible to keep up.

Known as a dieter's worst nightmare, food cravings are more than just your normal hunger. One minute you're just going about your day as usual - the next, you're under the control of desire. And you're not alone, either. Surveys estimate that almost 100% of young women and nearly 70% of young men had food cravings in the past year. And for some, this is the reason why they have a hard time losing weight.

So if you are trying to kick those unhealthy food cravings to the core, these 5 simple strategies may just help you out:

1.       Drink water - Suddenly urging to eat a specific food? Try drinking a big glass of water first, then wait a few minutes. Oftentimes, the craving fades away because you were just actually thirsty. Aside from its many health benefits, drinking water before meals also help with weight loss by reducing appetite before meals.

2.       Load up on protein - Aside from reducing cravings, protein helps you feel full longer, thus keeping you from overeating. A study from the National Center for Biotechnology Information showed that increased protein intake (from 15 to 30% of total calorie consumption) resulted in eating 441 fewer calories per day for women. They also lost 11 pounds (5kg) in 12 weeks. Another study found that increasing protein intake from 15 to 18% of calories made dieters regain 50% less weight 

3.       Plan your meals (and stick to it!) - What better way to eliminate spontaneity than planning ahead? By already knowing what you're going to have for dinner tonight, you reduce the factor of deciding based on what you're feeling at a certain moment. Also, if you're not thinking about what you're going to eat, it wards off unnecessary cravings.

4.       Don't go to the supermarket hungry - Groceries are possibly the worst place you can be when you're hungry. Instead of just getting what you need, you end up buying food items that weren't really part of your list. Go to the supermarket only after you've eaten, your body (and your pocket!) will thank you.

5.       Sleep! -  According to several studies, sleep-deprived people suffer disruption of hormone fluctuation which leads to poor appetite regulation, and thus, cravings. Another study showed that people who lack sleep are up to 55% more likely to become obese, compared to those who sleep well.