Feb 15, 2016 04:34 AM EST
Super Foods That Can Make You A Happier Person

Antidepressants, stress medication and food? It can be a bit shocking how often our mental and emotional health can be tied to our physical well-being. Various studies have shown that a higher intake of produce brought about feelings of more energy, calmness and a greater sense of happiness in its participants.

Here are a few foods you can eat today that would improve both your physical and mental well-being.

Dark chocolate
Everyone loves chocolate, especially dark chocolate, with its health benefits and great taste. It's not a big shock that it can actually stimulate the feelings of joy in an individual. The antioxidants present in dark chocolate is known to trigger the walls of blood vessels to relax both lowering your blood pressure and improving on circulation.  
Dark chocolate contains magnesium, magnesium is known to help alleviate PMS symptoms like fatigue and depression. To top it all dark chocolate has a natural substance that has been proven to trigger a sense of euphoria in its consumers. A study carried out showed that eating an ounce and a half of dark chocolate every day consecutively for two weeks significantly diminished the  stress hormones in people who rated themselves as highly stressed. 
Research has shown that the regular consumption of coffee in the morning was directly associated with energy, pleasure and even kindness. The study, published in the JAMA Internal Medicine, discovered that when women drank two to three cups of coffee a day they  were 15 percent less likely to develop depression within 10 years.Despite it's many benefits, keep in mind that coffee like everything should be taken In moderation to avoid any health risks.
Green tea
A study in japan consisting of over 40,000 individuals showed that green tea when consumed about four to five times a day reduced psychological stress by about 20 percent. You can brew green tea to drink or even incorporate it loose leaves into your daily meals for a better mental and physical health. 

Mushrooms are very rich in the mineral, selenium, research has discovered that a deficiency in selenium is can be linked to depression, fatigue and anxiety.Mushrooms also happen to be very rich in natural vitamin D, a study consisting of people with seasonal affective disorder (which affects about 11 million Americans today) scientist discovered that the people who increased their vitamin D intake enjoyed a better-enhanced mood. The great thing about mushrooms is it can be cooked, grilled or even sauteed in your regular everyday meal. 
Your diet has a great effect on your health, mostly so when it comes to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease Adopt a healthier diet today and watch yourself become happier and more well-adjusted.