Feb 23, 2016 04:20 AM EST
Strange McDonald’s Menu Items You’ll Only Get Outside Your Country

Are you one of those travelers who find it unnecessary to include fast food restaurants as part of your gastronomic trail abroad? Now that Mcdonald's got their menu adjusted to the local culture, it's probably one of the most convenient places to experience the authentic cuisine of a country. Ever wonder what this fast food resto offers in their plates around the world?

Regardless of the purpose of McDonald's local strategy, for us, this is foodgasm!

1. McFlurry Toblerone

It's an unusual McFlurry flavor yet the premier dessert is everyone's favorite in Switzerland. The country knows exactly how to serve the soft vanilla ice cream with Toblerone churns. The nougat chocolate wins the hearts!

2. Rye Vegetarian Feast

Instead of the typical white buns, Finland's regular cheeseburgers are swapped with rye buns with McFeast sauce made from mayo - a vegan burger with cheese, salad, and pickles. This exotic meal comes with spice mixture, El Maco. Even the non-vegetarians will love this, too!

3. McCrocket

Deep fried breaded beef and cheese with mustard and sandwiched in buns. The Hollands must be familiar with beef croquettes and McDonalds put this unique food in one of the country's restaurant menu.

4. Buryam

Buryam stands for Bubur Ayam - a typical chicken porridge breakfast you find in Indonesia. It's served with chicken shreds and vegetables in a cup. Strange to Americans, but for Indonesians, it's a stomach-fulfilling meal to start your day with.

5. Pizzarotto

Thanks to McDonald's Italy who makes their country's authentic food available for a lunch quick-fix. The Calzone pizza caters local (and international) tastes when it comes to light entrees. Pizzaroto is filled with mozzarella cheese and tomatoes. The cuisine is available for individual or Happy Meal purchase.

6. Beer

Yes, you know where it is. For Germans, beer is not just a drink. It's part of the culture.