Oct 06, 2014 11:14 AM EDT
Halloween Candy: Best Deals, Ideas and Recommendations!

Halloween Candy - We're not too far away from that time of the year where candy is never ending and people come out in fun and scary costumes to the streets. Why? Because Halloween is coming. And, we thought it would be good to give suggestions and inform of some deals, which always come handy.

In Erie Times, there were several tips to buy better and smarter in Halloween times. The thing with Halloween, like with many other festivities, is that people tend to buy in quantities and due to desperation for not finding the same things later on, they tend to spend a lot more than they should.

So to keep this from happening, try and not get too excited and buy everything at once and right now. Like David Bruce recommends, "Wait until a few days before Halloween, when the stores are taking down their candy displays to put up Thanksgiving, or in some cases, Christmas displays."

Also, try and make assumptions of how much candy you really need. There is this saying that applies to eating, which goes something along the lines of "eating with the eyes," and it stands for getting a lot more to eat than what a person normally eats. That's why it's eating with the eyes, in a way.

In Halloween, a lot of that happens. A person buys all the candy they can see and then perhaps a lot is left.

Now, in order to get the best deals at the stores, we're going to get into some of the unique ones, according to ABC 7.

You can get for $5:

TARGET - Offers KitKats, Butterfinger, Reese's, Twix and Snickers, and if you buy two of them, a free gift card comes for $5 worth.

DOLLAR STORE - Offers Laffy Taffy, Sweet Tarts, and Nerds.

FAMILY DOLLAR - If you make a buy that passes the $25, you can get a $5-off coupon and also, 6 packs of Snickers for only $1.

All of these are great, and one last advice is to open up your mind. Halloween candy is at the end of the day, candy. Which means that a lot of products can fall into that category and even crazy mix-ups. So, any discount or deal that you have even in fast food, still applies. Think about it.