Mar 04, 2016 12:09 PM EST
Starbucks UK supports Breastfeeding Mothers; Trains Staff for 'Better Understanding of their Needs'

Starbucks UK has stood up in support to breastfeeding as it declares its 800 store outlets parent-friendly, making it one of the first high street chains to do campaign for the cause.

The giant coffee company expressed its solidarity with breastfeeding mothers by signing up to the campaign by the National Childbirth Trust (NCT) that aims to encourage more business and private firms to help and provide breastfeeding mothers the space and facility to do so.

Also, Starbucks has been giving their baristas and staff ample training in sought of better understanding of the needs of the parents and customers with children and babies, serving them "without judgment".

"We know from our members that many struggle with unwanted attention and comments on their feeding method whether it's by breast, bottle or in a high chair, when out and about with their baby or child," Sarah McMullen, NCT head of research and quality, told The Guardian. "It's important that parents feel reassured they have the support of staff and won't be judged. We also know that it can be a challenge for establishments to understand and assist with the needs of parents with very young children,"she added.

Rhys Iley, vice-president of operations for Starbucks in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, said: "We recognise that parents out on their own with very young children, sometimes for the first time, appreciate some support.

To further encourage everyone, Starbucks is also actively adapting its facilities to cater everyone, most especially nursing moms. "We have already refreshed our training and improved our facilities," Iley said. "We hope parents of young children visiting our stores will let us know, there and then, if there is anything we can do to improve their experience."

Shaming of breastfeeding mothers in public has caused online discussion and call for change in societal view of the act.