Mar 05, 2016 07:10 AM EST
Happy Food, Happier Life

There's a science on how to live a happy life.  The basics is to indulge yourself with what else but-Happy Food!

These are Happy Food to Get You to a Happier Life:

1.  Fruits and veggies

When we were kids, our parents would always tell us to eat fruits and veggies.  Well, they're right about that.  They just want us to be happy.

Scientists say eating large amounts of fruit and vegetables can make you happy according to The University of Queensland studyThe British Journal of Health Psychology researchers found that a higher intake of produce resulted in more energy, calm, and a greater sense of happiness.

2.  Probiotic-rich food

Probiotics are beneficial forms of gut bacteria that help stimulate the natural digestive juices and enzymes that keep our digestive organs functioning properly. In addition to taking aprobiotic supplement, you can also eat probiotic foods that are a host to these live bacteria.

Examples:  Yakult, Kombucha Tea, Kimchi, Yogurt, Dark chocolate. Pickles. They helpimprove digestion and helps build immunity.

3.  Real "Mushrooms"

Low in calories, mushrooms are rich in selenium which is good for your bladder.  It laso produced Vit. D when exposed to sunlight. 

You can cook mushroom as an ingredient to your favorite dish if you don't want to eat it as is.

4.  Coffee

Coffee taken first thing in the morning is linked to energy, kindness, and pleasure. We associate sipping our coffee with enjoyment of company of friends.  Happy thoughts triggered by happy food-coffee

According to a published study from the Archives of Internal Medicine, drinking several cups a day is linked with a lower risk of depression.

5.  Green tea

Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet.  It is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body.  You have a happy heart because green tea helps reduce your risk of having a cardiovascular disease.

Here's to Happy Food, Happier Life!