Mar 08, 2016 05:47 AM EST
Foods You Should Never Eat Uncooked

The most evident food that should be cooked is meat. Aside from the reason that it's difficult for our stomach to process fresh meat, it can likewise be packed with parasites and microscopic organisms that can cause death which is similar to salmonella. Different foods contain harms that should be cooked off. Additionally, bear in mind that these foods tend to taste really terrible. So read on to find out about foods that you should be cooked before eating.


Between the processing plant and the grocery store, fresh chicken can get loads of dreadful little bugs that can send you to the hospital if eaten, so you should ensure that all chicken is cooked to no less than 165 degrees. And there's no reason to flush off the chicken before you cook it since the microorganisms will be killed during cooking and the sprinkling water could infect your kitchen.


Yucca or cassava root contains cyanogenic glycosides. Large amounts of the toxin are found in its leaves that keep it from being eaten by creepy insects yet some makes its way into the edible root too. It must be dried, soaked in water, flushed and cooked as quickly after harvest to make this edible.


Although several individuals eat raw eggs, it's not a smart act. While they're stacked with protein, raw eggs additionally have the possibility of containing salmonella that infects around one out of each 30,000 eggs. And since it's in the yolk, the individuals who are concerned should never eat their yolks either.

Green Potatoes

You will definitely don't eat the part of older potatoes if you know how it begins to turn into a driving shade of green. When potatoes get an excessive amount of sunlight, a chemical known as solanine can work to harmful levels and that is the thing what the green is. It can prompt headache, exhaustion and stomach issues if eaten. Store your potatoes in a cool, dry spot and you'll evade this issue.