Mar 17, 2016 04:25 AM EDT
Is Congress Going To Take Food Away From The Poor?

The food stamps that were used by many poor and unemployed American citizens all this while are going to disappear. SNAP was initiated for people in America to sustain their health while they actively look for work. This initiative fed many poor and hungry Americans for a very long time. 

However, this April, many hungry and poor will lose their access to food stamps because they will not qualify for these benefits.

The Center on Budget Policy and Priorities estimate that nearly 1 million people across the nation will lose their access to SNAP which is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. States have now put a strict three-month limit on the benefits, leaving many hungry citizens helpless.

The three-month limit is for people between the age group 18 to 50 who aren't taking care of children or aren't pregnant, or are disabled. After the three month period, citizens will not be given the privileged food stamps even if they haven't found a job. For unemployed citizens, this decision is going to be quite difficult.

According to the CBPP about one million SNAP recipients will lose their SNAP privileges which accounts to be approximately $150 to $200 per individual a month.

Many people, including politicians, feel food stamps are being exploited by lazy freeloaders who do not actively hunt for a job. Ironically, SNAP does not allow people to live luxuriously. It permits a person to buy one meal worth 1.49$ per day, which simply proves the above assumption wrong. 

As per study states, nearly half of these people who depend on SNAP are white, a third are black, and 10 percent Latino; and nearly a 40 percent are women.

Unfortunately, by this April many able bodies will stop receiving their access to SNAP or food stamps. The congress will be taking away even the little benefits that the unemployed and poor are receiving from the government.