Mar 18, 2016 07:12 AM EDT
Fiber and Protein Give You Better Sleep

Lacking sleep is known to lead to numerous health problems and is heavily credited for causing stress. Note that weight gain is also imminent, given that it causes people to somehow eat a lot of carbohydrate-rich food. 

However, according to a study published by Columbia University, what you eat affects your sleep quality. After studying 26 adults they found out that the participants who ate less saturated fat and more fiber were found to fall asleep quicker and spend more time in deep sleep. Note that being in deep sleep is highly important for the brain and body, considering that it helps memory and keeping the immune system in top shape. 

Furthermore, the researchers also discovered that when people ate food high in saturated fat, it took them longer to fall asleep and they spent less time in deep sleep as well. This means the more sugary and fatty food you eat, the worse your sleep quality gets. 

"Our main finding was that diet quality influenced sleep quality," said research team leader Marie-Pierre St-Onge. "It was most surprising that a single day of greater fat intake and lower fibre could influence sleep parameters."

She also suggested that people with poor sleep would highly benefit if they change their diets. 

"The finding that diet can influence sleep has tremendous health implications, given the increasing recognition of the role of sleep in the development of chronic disorders such as hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease," she added. 

Protein is an important nutrient for muscle growth and maintenance while fiber is already linked to good bowel movements, smooth digestion, and fewer chances of developing obesity. 

With this in mind, it would be a great idea to start snacking or exclusively consuming high protein and fiber food. These include nuts, beans, and certain fruits, like bananas and pineapples. As for meals, lean meat is an excellent source of protein - good examples are chicken, grounded beef, fish, and certain pork choice cuts.