Mar 21, 2016 06:38 AM EDT
Search for Alternative Sweeteners Boosts Vermont Maple Syrup Sales

Maple syrup production is now largely developed in Vermont. Back in the day, maple syrup was just a side venture helping citizens to pay taxes. Today, with the increased demand for alternative sweeteners,  large companies and corporations are investing in Vermont's maple syrup production.

The Vermont Maple Sugar Makers Association is said to be the oldest agricultural organization in the US having built in 1983. And the maple syrup production in Vermont has gone a long way since then.

Seatle Times said the people from Vermont are "fiercely protective of its image and branding, it's perhaps surprising that smaller maple syrup operators don't seem concerned about the big newcomers. That's because demand continues to rise." Their report said that according to the "U.S. Department of Agriculture. Vermont, the country's largest producer, made 1.3 million gallons of syrup last year, compared with an estimated 500,000 gallons in 2008".

Henry Mackres of Vermont Agency of Agriculture said "It's a natural product, it's a little healthier than some of the natural sweeteners, and people like that...Also local, people like to buy local and that is a locally produced product for the most part."

But with the rise of maple syrups' popularity, Vermont Maple Sugar Makers Association wanted to educate the public in choosing the real and healthy maple syrup. According to their website, there is a way to tell whether or not you are getting the real thing. To be sure you are getting real maple syrup in a product like a granola or microwave-ready oatmeal, look for the words maple syrup or maple sugar. Those indicate the product is truly using maple in its formulation. But if you see phrases like natural flavornatural maple flavor, and of course, artificial flavor, you know that you are not getting real maple syrup or maple sugar in that product."

Due to the high standard of maple syrup produced in Vermont, their product is largely known worldwide. Maple is also known to possess natural minerals and generally considered healthy and advantageous compared to another form of sweeteners. According to the Vermont Maple Sugar Makers Association, maple syrup It's more nutritious than all other common sweeteners contains one of the lowest calorie levels, and has been shown to have healthy glycemic qualities.".