Jan 25, 2021 02:43 PM EST
How to Use a Backyard Greenhouse to Grow Your Own Food

More and more people are looking at alternative ways of doing things these days. For some folks, they might be looking to save a little bit of money. Others may be looking for a better or more efficient way of doing something. When it comes to growing your own fruits, vegetables, and herbs, both things could be true. Maybe you know little to nothing about things like greenhouses, gardening, and other related topics. However, that shouldn't stop you. Growing food is just like any other skill; it can be taught and it can be learned. 

You may be wondering why you should even consider a greenhouse. The top two reasons have already been stated. For one, you can save money against the rising price of groceries, especially fresh produce. Secondly, you can move away from eating all of the processed, frozen, and canned foods and start enjoying fresher options straight from the ground. Talk about the ultimate farm to table experience!

Buying a Quality Greenhouse 

First things first; you have to have a good greenhouse. There are a lot of brands with a lot of different options available in various sizes. Shelter Logic has a wide selection of greenhouses online. What you need to do is decide which type of greenhouse would best suit your goals, as well as how large or how small it should be.

The Rise in Popularity

Greenhouses used to be something that you usually only saw on properties with larger areas of space or in more rural places. Now, more and more homeowners and residents in suburban and urban areas are having them installed on their properties. Backyards in neighborhoods across the country are seeing greenhouses pop up in them. For some, they are simply a place to grow their favorite flowers and tinker around in. For others, they are a source of food and a way to control not only what goes into their bodies but also how much they spend on it.

The Move to Natural and Organic

As previously mentioned the growing interest in healthy living and clean eating is also helping to spur on the movement to grow and eat your own fruits and vegetables. With the rise in greenhouse sales and installation, organic and natural farming is also seeing a spike as well. More and more online video tutorials are being watched, along with DIY books being sold, on the subject of organic gardening.

Attached vs. Freestanding

One of the biggest decisions you will have to make in regards to your greenhouse is whether it is attached or freestanding. Each may have its advantages and disadvantages but the main deciding factor is what works best for you. Attached greenhouses offer one distinct benefit in the fact that you don't have to build all four walls. The biggest overall advantage of freestanding ones is that they offer a lower per-plant cost.

Hobby vs. Sustainability 

One final factor to consider is how serious you want to be about growing your own food. Is this something that you want to do on the side for fun? Would you like to legitimately produce a significant portion of your fruits, vegetables, and herbs so you can eliminate them from your grocery bill? Perhaps you may even be thinking about taking your reaping to the farmers' market? Whatever your plans are, make sure you get a suitable greenhouse with the proper design.