Oct 23, 2014 01:52 PM EDT
Bristol Palin Brawl: What Really Happened That Night? Bristoll Palin Responds

Tags: Bristol Palin brawl, Palin brawl, Palin family brawl

Bristol Palin brawl - Sarah Palin's eldest daughter, Bristol Palin, finally lays all the facts bare as regards the eventful argument that sent the whole media into an ecstatic field day.

Bristol Palin claims the brawl audio taped and released by the police in which her family was allegedly involved in was not real and that it did not happen as the media would like to put it. The Bristol Palin brawl, which attracted the interest of many Americans was shared widely and remains one of the most talked about political family scandals of the year.

Bristol Palin, in her defense statement posted on Patheos, stated that a friend of her family, whom she is careful not to name, was hit by a Palin-hater. She was hit from behind by a man who later tweeted "about to be famous." The act of violence sent Palin's friend sprawling on the ground unconscious.

According to Bristol, her younger sister then said to the man's mother, "Get a hold of your son."

It was then that the man's mother pushed Palin's sister Willow Palin.

Bristol, who was already in the car, as per her own account of things, then rushed out to confront the old woman. Before she got there, a huge man whom she describes as being about 6 feet tall and weighing over 200 pounds stepped in her way, got a hold of her and shouted at her. That was when she hit him in defense, sparking the now famous Bristol Palin brawl.

Bristol claims that such treatment by the media only occurred because of her family's conservative nature. She posits that if it were Chelsea Clinton or a Biden, they would not be exposed to such media criticism and ridicule because they were democrats.

"Violence against women is never okay,... if Chelsea Clinton had gotten pushed by some guy. Had she tried to defend herself, the liberal media would've held her up as some feminist hero. But it wasn't Chelsea. It wasn't Hillary. It wasn't someone they liked or someone they agreed with. It was a conservative." That's Bristol's side of the story in the Bristol Palin brawl.