Nov 18, 2014 09:14 AM EST
Five Proven Ways To Lose Belly Fats

Proven ways to lose belly fats- Having a lean body with no excess baggage on your belly is dream of almost everyone. However, cutting back on your favorite foods is not easy. You may also find it more challenging if you've been pregnant, or you're at your 30s.

Apparently, not all overweight denote sickness. In fact, there are people who have normal weight but they have certain metabolic diseases related to obesity. According to Authority Nutrition, the problem lies not on the total fats within your body, but to the fats that are on your waist.

Whether you like it or not, you need to get rid of these fats the soonest time possible if you want to have a sound health. Remember the fat in your tummy could pose you to higher risk of heart disease, stroke and even high blood pressure.

Here's proven ways to lose belly fats:

Move, move, move!

Step on with your jogging shoes and jog, walk, run, or go on biking. You can also swim if you like. These proven ways to lose belly fats are not only fast way to trim you fats, but it also activates your muscles, and increases your heartbeat.

Pile up on Polyunsaturates

Saturated fats are bad fats that can keep you sick as it increases your LDL, the bad cholesterol. By eating saturated foods you may be prone to heart ailments, heart attack and may even shorten your life-span. Pile up on polyunsaturated fats that are good sources of fats but are proven ways to lose belly fats.

Eating polyunsaturated foods such as soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, mackerel, salmon, herring and trout are proven ways to lose belly fats. Not to mention that polyunsaturates are packed with omega-3-fatty-acids and omega-6-fatty-acids that is known to deliver a lot of health benefits.

Love the Protein

Protein is the best macronutrient that you can eat especially when you want to lose weight. Protein is good sources of nutrients that won't keep you on adding more pounds. So eat more eggs, fish, chicken, and consume more dairy.

Eat more veggies

Vegetables are rich sources of vitamins and minerals. It is also packed with fiber that can keep you full for a longer time. If you want to shed off a pound for a week then getting rid of 3, 500 calories is not that hard.

A ½ cup of vegetable only provides 16 to 32 calories. Eating vegetables are proven ways to lose belly fats the fast way.

Do It the Yoga Way

Doing yoga is one of the proven ways to lose belly fats. It is known for lowering cortisol, a stress hormone that is associated with the formation of belly fats. Aside from that doing yoga is a healthy way to relax and exercise.

If you are one of those who want to get rid of extra bulges, then why don't you try these proven ways to lose belly fats?