Black Friday Sale Update: Tips On Parking

The Black Friday sale is about to get down and although it's an annual thing, you just can't get the hang of it. So here are some tips you could use to help you around the parking lot.

Tip Number 1: Not because you have your hazards on des not mean you can park anywhere. You are not allowed to do that as it would hold up the line.

Tip Number 2: Do not get a parking spot you know that someone else has been patiently waiting for just so you could save yourself from more time spent at the parking lot. Doing this might cause a heated situation between you and the other driver.

Tip Number 3: Be cautious as sometimes because of being too excited, you tend to go to the wrong direction and you end up holding everyone up as you turn around and get to where you really wanted to be in the first place.

Tip Number 4: Do not be that car that parks right next to the curb. That is not a parking spot.

Tip Number 5: Do not be that driver that parks his car like an idiot. Parking as if you don't see the two parallel lines you have to be enclosed in is an inconvenience to those who will park next to you.

Tip Number 6: Do not be that driver that feels you could take up two spaces just because you have an expensive car. If you do this, you might get back to your car completely unrecognizable.

Tip Number 7: Do not park deceiving other drivers that your space is free just because your car is small. Smart cars are usually really smaller than other cars so park a little more to the front so people won't mistake your spot as a free one.

Tip Number 8: Do not honk all the time. Everybody is really having a difficult time finding that parking space so honking and making everyone else all the more frustrated will not help anyone in that situation.

Tip Number 9: Do not park in the space provided for handicapped people.

Tip Number 10: Do not be that driver who is on the phone all the time making you unaware of the jam you are causing. It's a parking lot, not a freeway. 

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